What are Micro Braid Locs?

Micro Braid Locs are an alternative to hair extensions, regular sized dreadlocs, and Sister Locks. They are exactly what they sound like. Micro (very tiny) braids that are transitioned into dreadlocs by palm rolling. The result is tiny dreadlocs that are often mistaken for micro braid extensions and are wonderfully and beautifully your very own hair.

What is the difference between Micro Braid Locs and Sister Locks?

The main difference is price. The Sister Lock method is a trade secret that costs thousands of dollars to learn, and just as much to maintain. Micro Braid Locs look almost exactly the same, take less time to install and are much cheaper to install and maintain. My daughter and I have had Micro Braid Locs for three years--they are often mistaken for Sister Locks.

How long does my hair have to be to install Micro Braid Locs?

Typically, the recommended length is two inches but, as you'll see in the gallery, I started my locs when my hair was much, much shorter. And they still grew beautifully.

Does my hair of have to be natural? Will I have to cut it before I install them?

It's recommended that, if you have a relaxer, you let it grow out for a while and cut the processed ends off before starting your locs. However, if you are insecure about cutting your hair, it is possible to start Micro Braid Locs with a relaxer in. But it is also recommended that, as your hair grows, you cut off the relaxed ends in order to maintain a unified appearance.

Please Note: My experience with locs is limited to individuals with tightly curled hair (think wool, not silk) so I can't promise the same results for those with very light hair. Therefore, if your hair is a very light texture, I will install locs at YOUR OWN RISK.

How long does it take to install Micro Braid Locs?

The installation will be the most significant amount of time you will sacrifice toward getting your new Micro Braid Locs.  It can take three days to five days to install your locs, depending on the length and thickness of your hair and the desired size of your locs. It's recommended that you spread the installation time over as many days as possible. Since the cost of installation is a flat rate fee, you will not lose. If you want your installation to be completed in a shorter period of time, that can be arranged at your consultation. The minimum amount of time to complete Micro Braid Locs for adults is two days. The minimum for children is three days.

If you wish to complete your locs in less time, there is an additional hourly rate after the first 6 hours. For a rush installation (24 hours) the cost will be determined during your consultation.

Won't having "dreadlocs" limit my styling options?

Absolutely not! You can curl, flat iron, twist, braid, sweep, wave, crinkle and so much more. Micro Braid Locs are extremely versatile. You can wear them down, up, curly or straight. The choice is up to you and your style will never be limited.

Do you loc children's and men's hair as well?

Provided your hair is of a certain texture, fairly tight curls when natural, I will install Micro Braid Locs on children two and up and on men as well.

Do I have to stop washing my hair until they lock? How long will I have to wait?

No. In fact, water helps them lock. It's what your locs will want and need. The more you wash your hair (with limitations of course) the faster your hair will lock and the easier it will be to maintain.

What types of maintenance products should I use?

Some people use beeswax, others use their favourite hair conditioners, oils or grease. I use an all natural hair oil when I install, and do touch ups. If you are planning to maintain your locs on your own, I'd suggest using whatever you are comfortable with. Use whatever hair conditioner you normally use.

What are your oils made from? And where can I get the all natural hair oils you use?

The oils I use are homemade and are all coconut oil based. When you come for a consultation, I'll give you a choice of the following scents to choose from: Lavender, Peppermint Candy Stick, Hard Candy, Musk, Lemon Drop, Herb Garden, Chocolate Trip. If you'd like to purchase a jar of hair oil, you will have to order in advance. All products carry a best before date of 30 days from date of purchase.

Can I order your hair oil online or purchase it in stores?

At present, I only sell my all natural hair oil to clients, so it is only available to those who book installations or touchups. If you have been or are a client you can contact me directly to order hair oil.

How much do your hair oils cost?

Each 4 ounce jar is $10.00

How long does it take Micro Braid Locs to grow?

First let me explain how loc growth works. If your hair is natural or relaxed, as it grows it will fall out. You'll notice when you brush, comb or even just run your fingers through your hair it will shed. When your locs start growing however, because you are not required to brush or comb your hair, the hair doesn't shed, instead it knots (or locks) itself together and continues grow. The result is heavier hair, that drops as it continues to grow.

Your locs will always be growing. If you're concerned about length, don't expect any significant growth until you pass the two year mark, but rather a change in texture. It will go from being light and fluffy to heavy and rougher in texture as time goes on. Soon your fluffy hair that resembles it's natural state, will look and feel more like braid extensions.

Take a look at the gallery to see how my daughter's hair changed over time. My advice is to embrace short hair, funky styles and colors. Play with your make-up, jewelry and clothing. Express your new identity that way. Soon you'll be able to do the same with your hair and your patience will be rewarded, the wait will be worth it.

What type of maintenance is required? And how long will it take?

I suggest touching up your locs (getting them retwisted) no longer than every four weeks. You can go longer, but the longer you take to wash and retwist, the longer the touchup process will take and the longer it will take for your locs to mature. The idea that neglecting water makes your hair lock faster is a myth. Your hair needs water and regular maintenance.

I maintain my hair every week, and never go more than two weeks without a retouch.

What if I grow tired of them? Will I have to cut my hair to get rid of them?

I highly doubt you will get tired of your new style. If you've really thought your decision through, you'll know that Micro Braid Locs are right for your lifestyle and a great investment. I decided to get locs originally, because I wasn't one for fancy styles. I had micro braids and either wore them in a ponytail or wore them loose. Locs seemed like a better investment. I wouldn't have to wear fake hair and, hence, wouldn't have to spend as much money. I transitioned to Micro Braid Locs because, as I got older, I realized I wanted to do more with my hair. I can now straighten and curl (with heat styling tools) and try out a variety of styles.

When I had original locs, and decided to transition to micro braid locs I didn't have to cut them to take them out. With a lot of conditioner and a fine tooth comb, I undid my locs. Then I wore my hair natural for a few months, texturized it, then cut it off and started my Micro Braid Locs from scratch.

If you're worried about getting tired of your locs, they may not be the right style for you. Having locs requires patience and committment, for the best results.

How much does it cost?

In comparison to styles which require the purchase of synthetic or human hair, or trade secrets like Sisterlocks, Micro Braid Locs are very economical. The onetime installation rates vary between $300 to $550 dollars, and $50 thereafter, depending on the length and thickness of your hair and the desired size of the locs. A 75% cash or email money transfer deposit is required on the first day of installation. The final 25% cash or email money transfer deposit is required on the final day of installation. The one time installation fee is a flat rate, despite the amount of hours it will take to install your locs. 

Maintenance rates are also flat rate, and between $75 and $125 depending on the length, thickness and size of your locs.

Installation Rates* (For Minimum Installation Times)

Length <---------> Price

1-2" <------------> $300
2-4"<-------------> $350
4-6"<-------------> $450
6"   <-------------> $550

Over 7"? Add an extra $50 per inch

Maintenance Rates*

2 weeks post installation (or last touch up) <-------------> $75
4 weeks post installation (or last touch up) <-------------> $150
6 + weeks post installation (or last touch up) <----------> $175

*Quoted rates are good for 30 days

How do I get started?

Give me a call or send me an email to book your free consultation today!

Microbraidlocstoronto@gmail.com or 647 216 6957